dilluns, 30 de març del 2009


Easter holidays are about to come and we are going to have a musical end of the term! We are going to investigate about The Beatles and to learn more about this band. First of all you are going to read a short text about The Beatles and answer some questions at The Beatles.

Now it's time to listen to some music. The Beatles have a lot of famous songs. I Saw Her Standing There , Yesterday and Let It Be are three of their most famous songs. Click in the title of the song, listen to it and fill in the gaps of the lyrics.

Let's finish the class singing. Here you have some video by The Beatles with the lyrics. Try to sing the songs while you're listening to them!

If you like The Beatles you have more information at ESL Beatles, with lots of information, videos...

Have a good Eater holidays!

dilluns, 16 de març del 2009

CLASS 10 (16-27.MAR.09)

Writing an opinion essay is one of the topics of unit 4. In opinion essays you have to convince the reader that your point of view is correct. There are three parts in these essays:
  1. Opening - Presentation of the topic and your opinion.
  2. Body - Specific reasons anf facts to support your opinion.
  3. Conclusion - Summary and restatement of your opinion.

It is important to use connectors and expressions to express opinions, as for example,
  • I think that...
  • I believe that...
  • In my opinion...
  • As far as I'm concerned...
  • Personally,...
  • I love / can't stand / don't mind ...
  • As for...
  • For example...
  • In conclusion,...
  • To sum up,...
  • In short,...

Now you are going to read 3 versions of the story The sleeping beauty. You already know the story, so it won't be difficult to understand the content.

First of all you have to do the seven activities in The sleeping beauty. Do them carefully, because you'll have to write a composition with your opinion of the story and its versions.

Use the vocabulary and ideas from the glossary and the exercises to write an oipinion essay explaining your opinion about the story of the sleeping beauty and its different versions (100 words). When you are finished send it to cristina.itaca@gmail.com before your next class in the computer room, with the subject "the sleeping beauty". Remember what we have explained today in class and don't use a translator to write the essay. Try to use your own words.


Corregint els vostres treballs del segon trimestre (Juno...), m'he adonat que la majoria de redaccions i textos escrits els feu fent servir traductors online.

Aquests traductors MAI poden suplir la vostra feina de writing. És millor escriure fent servir allò que un sap i amb l'ajut d'un diccionari (imprés o online). D'ara en endavant, si detecto que heu fet servir un d'aquests traductors en les feines que heu de lliurar, no les corregiré.

És molt fàcil detectar si un text ha estat traduit amb una d'aquestes eines: textos incomprensibles i llargs, paraules en castellà o incomprensibles, cultismes, frases desordenades... A continuació us poso alguns exemples de les redaccions de Juno, i veureu algunes de les "coses" que heu escrit (hi ha moltes més, i encara no he començat amb les cartes...):
  • This film likes me (Què bé! A la pel·lícula li agrades tu)
  • The movie I liked a lot (A qui li agrada què?)
  • Create that this film to be quite interesting (Ni idea de què vols dir)
  • In my opinion is a film that is worth much the education (Un altre que no s'entén)
  • I liked this movie because it speaks of a very interesting, who is pregnant and is very current, many young people are living today. (Més llarga, però tampoc s'entén res)
  • The girl has to enfrontar a pregnancy (S'ha colat una paraula en català, què era una traductor del castellà?)
  • She has probemas with her boyfriend (per que es traduiexi bé la paraula l'has d'escriure bé en castellà)
  • Ultimately this film is interesting that ja mature individuals (Aquesta ni s'entén ni està tota en anglès)
  • And finally the prominent figures are chosen expressely because they do his work to the perfection and it seems that they this one happening actually(indeed). (!!!!!)
  • I think this movie was interesting for us to see the fact as the personage of the film so you can get pregnant any of the girls at any age and so you realize that you can greatly damage in according to age and will change much the pace and style of life because of that. (Respira! 56 paraules sense punts, ni comes, ni res que s'entengui)
  • A my film because I like to clear this today (????)
  • In my film I like (de què parles?)
  • Something that can formally known as the penalty and an unborn child not want to and it was more like a young man to be the Juno mother. (No sé què vols dir, però sembla que hi ha un nen de penalty...)
Els traductors són una bona eina, però només si es saben fer servir bé i en el context adequat. Però no serveixen per aprendre a escriure en anglès. Si depeneu molt d'ells, quan no els pogueu fer servir (exàmens, selectivitat, entrevistes...) no sabreu què fer, i sovint aquests són els moments realment importants. Feu-los servir, per exemple, si no enteneu el enunciat d'un exercici o per revisar alguna frase que no esteu segurs de si està bé.

Si decidiu fer-los servir, aquí teniu uns quants consells:
  1. S'ha de triar un bon traductor, i aquests normalment no són gratuits.
  2. Cal escriure correctament en l'idioma d'origen; si fas faltes d'ortografia, gramaticals o d'estil el traductor no les detecta (accents, majúscules, oracions desordenades, frases molt llargues...).
  3. Cal revisar sempre el text una vegada traduit, i comprovar que sigui correcte. Convé fer una traducció inversa per veure si coincideixen. O provar més d'un traductor.
Com veieu fer servir un traductor implica una feinada, moltes vegades més que la que suposa redactar un text escrit.